
1 square Learn more about 1 square

  • How many square meters is one mu of land?

    How many square meters is one mu of land?

    How many square meters is one mu of land?

  • How is the latest square watermelon grown?

    How is the latest square watermelon grown?

    Square watermelon is a kind of watermelon that has become popular in recent years. It has high sugar content, good taste and strange shape. After entering the market, it has aroused the interest of many people. In fact, the planting technology of square watermelon has long been mature, but there are very few square watermelons in ordinary fruit stores.

    2020-11-10 The latest square watermelon yes how planted
  • How many square meters is one hectare?

    How many square meters is one hectare?

    How many square meters is one hectare?

  • How to grow the latest square watermelons?

    How to grow the latest square watermelons?

    How do you grow square watermelons? Compared with the traditional round watermelon, the square watermelon is pressed by the mold, so its internal tissue is denser, sweetness is higher than the round watermelon, and it has the advantages of convenient transportation. In addition, you can write on watermelons, no matter what kind of words.

    2020-11-10 The latest square watermelon how grow plant
  • Cultivation and Management techniques of Cotton hose drip Irrigation

    Cultivation and Management techniques of Cotton hose drip Irrigation

    With the increase of crop area, the shortage of water resources and the increase of cotton cost in Jimusar County, the comparative benefit of cotton decreased year by year. For this reason, we introduce and popularize the cotton under plastic film atmospheric pressure (hose) drip irrigation cultivation technology. 1. Main indicators 1. The output is 667 square meters, 100-130 kg lint. Yield components: the number of harvested plants per square meter is 1.3-15000, the number of bolls per plant is 5-6, the weight of single boll is 5 grams, and the lint percentage is 33%. 35%. two。 Fertilizer and water

  • The overall design and planning of a pig farm for 200 fertile sows

    The overall design and planning of a pig farm for 200 fertile sows

    The overall design and planning of a pig farm for 200 fertile sows

  • How are square watermelons grown? How much half a kilo?

    How are square watermelons grown? How much half a kilo?

    I don't remember when I really liked square watermelons when they appeared in my sight. It's not just because I'm tired of seeing smooth watermelons. What's more, the square watermelons are neatly stacked to satisfy the exclamation of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Do you know how square watermelons are grown?

    2020-11-09 Square watermelon yes how planting more less money one jin no
  • How do you grow square watermelons?

    How do you grow square watermelons?

    How do you grow square watermelons?

  • How are square watermelons grown?

    How are square watermelons grown?

    How are square watermelons grown?

  • Construction Scheme of Boer Goat Farm

    Construction Scheme of Boer Goat Farm

    Construction Scheme of Boer Goat Farm

  • Construction of turtle pond

    Construction of turtle pond

    1. Juvenile turtle pond is called juvenile turtle when it is just born to less than 10 grams. The area of the pool is 2 square meters ~ 8 square meters, rectangular, and the depth is 0.3 ~ 0.4 meters. The water depth is kept at 0.1 m ~ 0.15 m, the bottom of the pool is covered with fine sand, and the pool is covered with a shade canopy 1-1.5 m higher than the top of the pool. A rest table with a width of about 20 cm should be built at both ends. Build a 30 °slope at the intersection of the rest table and the water surface to facilitate its up and down. two。 The young soft-shelled turtle is called young turtle whose weight in the pond is about 10 ~ 100 grams. The area of the pool is 20 square meters.

  • Key Technology and Economic benefit of Deep-buried drip Irrigation for Cotton

    Key Technology and Economic benefit of Deep-buried drip Irrigation for Cotton

    Cotton "deep-buried" drip irrigation technology is another new and efficient water use technology after cotton hose micro-hole irrigation technology under plastic film. This technology can make efficient use of fertilizer and water, and the effect of increasing production is obvious. 1. Key technologies 1. The irrigation time is the budding stage of cotton, and the cotton area in northern Xinjiang is generally from June 7 to 10. The irrigation is carried out according to a rotation irrigation cycle of 3 days. If it is rainy in autumn, it can be irrigated according to a cycle of 5 days. Irrigation amount: 8 cubic meters per 667 square meters at budding stage and 10 cubic meters at full flowering stage

  • Measurement of grass yield in grazing land Calculation of sheep load

    Measurement of grass yield in grazing land Calculation of sheep load

    (a) grass yield measurement grazing land grass yield is affected by factors such as season, climate, species and grazing use. It is important to determine the reasonable sheep load by measuring the grass yield of grazing land. Sample method can be used. The mowing quantity of 1 square meter pastureland is taken as a sample, at least 10 sample squares are sampled in each grazing plot, 10~20 sample squares are sampled in each large area, 50~100 sample squares are required for desert pastureland, and the actual number of sample squares is divided by the grass yield of sample squares.

  • Construction of meat duck breeding greenhouse

    Construction of meat duck breeding greenhouse

    Construction of meat duck breeding greenhouse

  • Application technique of topdressing for lettuce

    Application technique of topdressing for lettuce

    Lettuce was topdressing for 3 times during the whole growth period. The first topdressing was carried out 15 days after slow seedling, and 12 kg urea was applied every 667 square meters (1 mu) to promote seedling growth and sturdiness, and the second topdressing was carried out at the initial stage of heading. The third topdressing was carried out in the middle of heading, which made the leaf bulb full and enlarged. Every 667 square meters at a time.

  • Technology of dripping Water and Fertilizer under plastic Film of Cotton

    Technology of dripping Water and Fertilizer under plastic Film of Cotton

    Cotton drip irrigation under plastic film is a new water-saving technology, which can artificially control the amount of irrigation and field microclimate, greatly alleviate the tension of head water, and control the reproductive and vegetative growth of cotton, which is conducive to shaping the ideal plant type and reducing the ineffective consumption of nutrients. Although there are still some problems in practical application, cotton in drip irrigation has the advantages of early boll opening, good quality and high yield. At the same time, drip irrigation shows unique cold resistance under special climatic conditions. in the special climate of low temperature in spring and autumn, the growth and development is normal, high yield,

  • Construction standard of beef cattle farm

    Construction standard of beef cattle farm

    Site selection: the site should be built in a place with good drainage conditions, good ventilation and high terrain, far away from factories and product trading markets, and more than 500m away from main traffic arteries and drinking water sources. Site conditions: stable electricity and sufficient water

    2020-11-08 beef cattle farms of construction standards abstract site selection
  • Is the cultivation method of square flowers jasmine?

    Is the cultivation method of square flowers jasmine?

    Plain square flower, this is also a kind of plant, can be good-looking, blooming is a small white flower, so what is the breeding method of square flower? Is it the same as jasmine: the cultivation method of square flowers: temperature, their requirements for air temperature are still relatively high.

  • Processing and Utilization of Xiantao protein Powder and Red Peach Square tablets

    Processing and Utilization of Xiantao protein Powder and Red Peach Square tablets

    1. With the increasing improvement of social living standards, modern people have higher requirements for youth, health and longevity, so a large number of funds have been invested in the development and production of health products. For a time, the health products industry has become the most popular industry, and is also known as the "sunrise industry". Xiantao protein powder is a kind of health food with development prospect, which is worth popularizing. (1) the product characteristic peach is known as "Xiantao" and "Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling". The Emperor's Internal Classic lists peach as the first of the five fruits.

  • What are the planting prospects of kiwifruit?

    What are the planting prospects of kiwifruit?

    What are the planting prospects of kiwifruit?
